Using Hubspot to Scale Outbound Video Marketing

Did you know that companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales leads? One of the most effective ways to nurture your prospects is through outbound video marketing. The benefits of video include building trust, shortening the sales cycle, and moving your prospect through the Buyer’s Journey.

“Video helps build an emotional connection with the buyer.”
– Liz J. Simpson, Founder, The #BigMoney Movement & Stimulyst, LLC

Here are 3 ways Hubspot software helps scale outbound video marketing and lead nurturing efforts. 

Sequences Sales Automation

Sequences are one of my favorite sales automation tools. These highly-personalized, automated emails look and feel like they are from a person. With this tool, you can queue up a series of sales emails and follow up tasks to stay engaged with your prospect. This allows you to put prospecting on autopilot and ensure you never forget to follow-up. Using Hubspot Video, send video voicemails to stand out from the competition. Detailed engagement data is recorded inside the contact record in the Hubspot CRM.

Hubspot sequences


Workflows: Sales and Marketing Automation

Workflows are a powerful automation tool for sales and marketing activities. You can use workflows to create deals, automate tasks, update prospect lifecycle stages, and manage/update data in bulk. In addition to automating internal tasks such as notifying the sales team of new prospects, workflows can trigger lead nurturing streams based on prospect actions, like watching a video. 

hubspot workflows


Email Marketing Automation

Don’t sleep on email marketing! It returns $38 for every $1 spent and drives 174% more conversions than social media. Adding video to email marketing can increase engagement (by 300%!) and establish an authentic connection with your audience. When someone subscribes to your content, start the relationship off right with a video introducing yourself and your company. You can use the Hubspot Email Marketing tool to personalize emails based on any information in a prospect’s contact record. 

hubspot email marketing 


For a deeper dive into how to get started with video, watch our on-demand webinar Supercharge Your Sales with Hubspot & Video Engagement.


If you want to get more ROI out of your Hubspot account, contact us today.


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